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Absolute truth : we will never reach it
"Although all human beings are identical in structure, they differ in their sensibility, understanding, needs and aspirations, and as a result they differ in their perception of things. So their arguments with one another as to who possesses the truth do not make sense. You will say, ‘But is there no truth?’ On the contrary. The higher we rise within ourselves, the more we detach from our own selfish interests, the more we purify ourselves, the more we are penetrated by divine light and come closer to the truth. But it is impossible to say whether one day we will know the truth in terms of an absolute principle. All we can say with certainty is this: with every effort we make to throw off the opaque layers that have formed around our dark and unbridled thoughts and sentiments, we come a little closer to the truth."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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