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Age of Aquarius : prepare to benefit from its currents
"To speak about the Age of Aquarius and to rejoice in its imminent arrival is not enough. You must prepare to receive the new currents this constellation is already projecting throughout space. Aquarius brings with it a revolution in technology as well as in concepts related to the human psyche. But the most important revolution concerns the notion of universal brotherhood. The Age of Aquarius must teach humanity that we are no longer to work only for ourselves, our family and our country, but also for the whole earth. This new philosophy is, of course, based on a science. Those who are ready to embrace this ideal of universal brotherhood must learn to elevate themselves by means of thought in order to contact the divine world. It is in contacting the divine world that we open the sources of light, love, and peace which will one day inundate the entire earth."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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