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Atheism : its negative effects in a society
"Many people who reflect on the state of society believe that whether a society is religious or atheistic makes no difference to the good of its citizens. No, they are mistaken, because after a certain time a society without God degenerates. Since it is not centred on a solid spiritual point around which its people can revolve, they cease to be truly social: they are taken over by greed, prejudice and injustice. When a society is conscious of the existence of a superior world, it is far more likely to establish equitable laws which work for the well-being of all. As soon as the spiritual intensity diminishes, however, negative forces no longer encounter any obstacles and invade every domain. If so many societies on earth are sick, it is because human beings have allowed their consciousness of the divine to grow dim."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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