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Attitude : its magic power
"Turn your face toward heaven and you will receive light and strength; but turn your back on it and you will lose everything. The law is implacable. And if it is said in the Holy Books that God is just, it is because the authors knew this law. Attitude is a magic force. What happens to us is only the result of what we have attracted by our attitude, which has the power to trigger beneficial or harmful currents in the universe. Several times a day, therefore, you must remember to turn toward the divine world, to harmonize with it until you are able to activate your spiritual centres instantly, and rays, sounds and colours burst forth from you. Your thoughts, feelings and actions will become the reflection of what already exists on high in the heavens, as precious and as beautiful. And the luminous entities who inhabit these regions will recognize themselves in this being who has understood the meaning of his life on earth. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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