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Aura : substance of the magic word
"Where does the power of a word come from? It does not come from the spoken word itself, but from the energy, the quintessence with which it is impregnated. This quintessence is found in the aura of all beings. The power of a magus, of a theurgist, comes from his ability to impregnate the words he pronounces with light, with the light of his aura which is rich, intense and pure. The word is the repository of a force, and the more the word is impregnated with this creative element—the light—the greater its power. It is not just anyone who can pronounce magical words that will produce great effects. Only a true magus, by the power of his aura alone, without straining his voice or gesturing, is able to pronounce a few words which can command the forces of nature and attract higher beings. It is not the spoken word which created the world, but the Divine Word. Speech is the means used by the Divine Word to implement the work of creation. The Divine Word is the first element God put into action, and it is by means of the spoken word that this Divine Word is able to express itself."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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