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Black magic : how to consider it
"It is true that black magic exists. But it is also true that we have the power to enhance or diminish things, according to how we think about them. Since black magic exists – and even supposing that there are ill-intentioned people who want to use it against us – it is by having faith in its power that we reinforce it. Instead, tell yourself that as a son or daughter of God you cannot be attacked so easily by the forces of evil, and you will escape. If you have to suffer a failure, an illness, an accident, or a separation, I urge you therefore not to rashly attribute it to black magic. First of all, ask yourself sincerely if the cause is not to be found in yourself, and find out what you must do to improve the situation. Do not waste precious time in wild imaginings that will do nothing but aggravate your misfortunes."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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