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Blessings of heaven : think to share them with the whole world
"Some days you feel inexplicably rich, happy and at peace, as if you had suddenly received a gift from heaven. But at that moment, do you consider sharing a little of this inner abundance with those who are unhappy and alone? No? Well, you must learn to give some of this wealth, this plenitude that you cannot even contain, and say: ‘Dear brothers and sisters throughout the world, what I possess is so magnificent that I wish to share it with you. Take some of this joy, take some of this light.’ When your consciousness is sufficiently developed to do this, not only will your name be inscribed in the registers on high as someone who is intelligent and good, but what you have distributed in this way will be placed in your celestial bank account and, one day, should you need to, you will be able to draw on it. Yes, everything you give in this way remains in your possession. No-one can take it from you, because you have placed it in the reserves on high."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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