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Brotherhood : the conditions of life will compel human beings to develop a feeling for
"‘It is so difficult to think of everyone as our brothers and sisters!’ some people complain. Of course it is difficult, in fact it is the most difficult thing in the world, but it is now of the utmost importance. Scientific and technical progress has given human beings increasingly effective means of doing things, of expressing themselves and coming together. Their populations are continually increasing, and if they make no effort to master their selfish and aggressive tendencies and their need to dominate, life will become impossible. For the moment, they have not yet understood: dazzled by the various means put at their disposal, they take advantage of them without considering whether what they find useful and beneficial for themselves is equally so for others. They use and abuse these means; it is always a matter of who will get here or there first, and they become cruel and inhuman. But this cannot last for long. These same conditions which human beings themselves have created will force them to develop sentiments that are more fraternal."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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