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Brotherhood among human beings : because divine life flows in all of them
"In the form of myths, all religions reveal in some way the divine origin of humankind. At some point in history, however, the conviction that certain races or categories of people were inferior found its way into some of these religions, and they began to exclude or oppress them. Jesus was so exceptional because he came to proclaim that whatever their race, culture or social status, all human beings are essentially equal before God. The inequities they manifest are only superficial and fleeting: their physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual qualities, the events of their lives, everything which, one way or another, makes some of them seem privileged and others not, represents only a moment in their evolution. Human beings are brothers and sisters by way of the life they share, by way of the divine life which flows in them. This divine life makes them brothers and sisters of all creation as well."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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