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Celestial flame : from which we ignite our spirit and soul. Orthodox Easter
"The candles and lamps which are lit in churches are symbols of our spirit and soul, which we are to light each day with the celestial flame. And once we have lit them, we can also set fire to other spirits and souls around us. On Easter morning in the Orthodox churches, the faithful each hold a candle. The bishop begins by lighting a candle from which the nearest attending officiate lights his. Then, one after the other, each of the faithful lights his candle from the one next to him. It is as if a fire is gradually spreading …until the church is filled with a multitude of small flames! In an initiatic school you learn not only to set your spirit and soul alight but, once you have done so, to keep the flame burning, so that other spirits and souls may come and be kindled at your fire. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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