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Circle and the centre : universality of this structure
"The circle with the point in the centre is a structure which is found everywhere in the universe. It is that of the solar system, with the sun in its centre. And, at the other end of the scale, it is also that of the cell, which is composed of a nucleus, a substance called cytoplasm, and surrounding it, a skin or membrane. An analogous structure is also found in the egg, which is made up of the yolk, the white, and the shell, and also in most fruits, in which we find the stone or the seeds, the flesh and the skin. All living organisms are made up of a centre, then a space in which energy circulates, and finally a ‘skin’ which serves as a barrier, a boundary. From the solar system to the atom, this identical structure of the circle with the point in the centre can be found everywhere. And the space surrounding the point represents matter; for without space, matter would not exist. Whereas the point, which represents the spirit, does not need space. And its power lies in the fact that, although it is an imperceptible entity, it is active everywhere at the same time."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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