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Clairvoyance : is only given through love
"Do not seek clairvoyance through occult methods. True clairvoyance, the true eyes, are in the heart, and it is love which opens these eyes. When you love another, what do you see in him? You see things that no one else sees, because love makes true clairvoyance possible. A woman who loves a man sees him as a divinity, and do not tell her she is mistaken! Objectively speaking, yes, she is mistaken; but if she seems to exaggerate the beauty and virtues of her beloved, it is because she sees him as God originally created him, or as he will be when he returns to the womb of the Eternal. You have not yet understood the power of love to open the eyes of the soul. Those of you who wish to become clairvoyant must learn to love. Your hearts must call out for help, like the blind man in the Gospels: ‘Have pity on us, Lord.’ Launch an appeal, and one day the light of the cosmos will come and ask what it can do for you. ‘Open our eyes!’ you will say, and your eyes will be opened."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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