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Comparison : learn to use this faculty
"Every judgement human beings hold about people and things depends on a comparison: they prefer one person to another, or one thing to another. In order to prefer something, to judge, people must have made a comparison in one way or another. They spend their lives comparing their houses and their cars to those of their neighbours. They strive to keep up with those who have more things, better things, and more beautiful things, because they believe them to be happier. In the material realm, human beings are experts at making comparisons, but they are less inclined to make them in the spiritual realm. If they meet someone who is disinterested, full of love and master of himself, they do not ask themselves: ‘But how do I measure up next to him?’ Well, with this mentality, it is impossible to advance. In order to progress, they must compare themselves to Jesus, to all the great spiritual masters of humanity, and say: ‘How can I reconcile my understanding with theirs? Let me see if they can teach me a better way of thinking and conducting my life.’"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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