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Consciousness : expands by means of love and is enlightened by wisdom
"So many people have a limited field of consciousness! They aren’t interested in anyone, they don’t like anyone. Their awareness doesn’t even extend a few centimetres beyond their own skull, and they are forever repeating: ‘Me, me, me….’ On the contrary, the consciousness of one who loves expands: it goes out to meet all kinds of people and revolves around them, stays close to them, touches and embraces them. We notice that those who have love in their heart do not remain motionless; they constantly approach others, they look after their affairs…sometimes to the point of being bothersome and tactless! Why is this? Because our consciousness may grow without becoming enlightened, and the love which expands consciousness does not necessarily enlighten it. Love’s images are blurred and do not tell us how to conduct ourselves. If you want to help others, therefore, you must know that love alone is not enough. Wisdom must also have its say."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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