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Cosmic Intelligence : harmonize with it daily
"Every day, remember to attune yourself to Cosmic Intelligence. Every day, strive to vibrate in unison with it, to melt into it. Open yourself to its immensity and allow yourself to be carried away by its waves of light and peace. This is one of the most enriching and profound experiences you can give your inner life. It can be achieved only through love, however, for it is love alone which allows true fusion. Jesus said: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ In fact, God does not need our love; it is we who need to love him, because through our love we draw nearer to him. I am telling you the same thing when I ask you to harmonize yourself each day with Cosmic Intelligence, to act according to its will, even if you do not yet really know what it asks of you. This is what it means to love. When we love another, we are always attuned to him. We believe in him and devote all our energies to his satisfaction."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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