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Cosmic laws : their effects only seen over a long period of time
"If you want to understand how cosmic laws work, you must learn to observe human beings and events over a long period of time. The physical or psychic organism of someone who does not conduct himself in a reasonable manner is like the wooden framework of a house which is being eaten by woodworms: they do not destroy it from one day to the next, but years later, the house suddenly collapses. And what happens with human beings is true for entire countries as well. Often we realize only a century or two later that a country has gradually fallen into decline. Those who lived through this decline did not notice and let themselves go, unaware of the evil that had begun to worm its way in. If we simply observe people and events as they are now, or over a limited period of time, it is impossible to see how the laws work. In order to judge correctly, we must reflect over a long period of time. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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