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Criticism : practiced by those who do not know how to work
"It cannot be said that everyone and everything in our society is above criticism. The right to criticize, however, is given only to those who work and who demonstrate by their work what they can do. And what do we generally find? Strangely enough, those who really work are not much inclined to criticize. When we meet them, we see that they are satisfied, content. Why? Because work is its own reward. Those who have a taste for work and who know in what spirit to work sense that through their efforts they receive ten times more than they have given. They are busy, they are happy in their activities. Even if they see all that is wrong around them, they have neither the time nor the need to criticize. In our lives there is always something to be done, either inwardly or on the material plane. Well then, pay attention! If you are so eager to criticize, it is because you are not working, or because you have not learned how to work. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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