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Death : in Death the only riches we carry are our qualities and virtues
"Calculate the amount of time you spend each day eating and sleeping – which are of course necessary, even essential – but also the hours you spend in mindless chatter and trivial activities. The years pass by in this way, far from the true life, from a life with God. What a waste! And then when you depart from this world, you leave poor and naked. Be absolutely clear that when you leave the earth, the only precious stones you will take with you will be your virtues; the only gold will be your wisdom, and the only clothing will be the finery of your soul. On leaving this world, we are like refugees who have been driven from their homes and are forced to abandon their land, their houses and their belongings. They rush to their coffers to seize their gold and jewels which will enable them to survive. Yes, when death comes, you can only turn to your qualities and virtues; all the rest must be left behind. Starting today, ask yourself whether you possess gold and genuine precious stones."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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