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Destiny : depends on the thoughts and feelings that we have sown
"A gardener who has failed to sow any vegetables is not surprised when he sees none growing. He simply says to himself: ‘This is normal, old man. Since you have not had the time to sow carrots, you have no carrots. But you have lettuces, parsley and onions, because you have sown them.’ Yes, when it concerns fruit and vegetables, human beings reason correctly. But they know nothing of the moral and psychological realms: they believe they will harvest happiness, joy and peace while sowing violence, cruelty and spitefulness. No, they will harvest violence, cruelty and spitefulness. But because they do not understand this, they are surprised and rebel against what happens to them. When they learn to keep watch over themselves and to spread only seeds of light and love with their words, their feelings and their thoughts, their destiny will improve."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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