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Discouragement : a high ideal preserves us from it
"Someone who is truly directed by a high ideal is never discouraged. The mere presence within him of this high ideal that feeds and guides him makes him happy. He knows, he feels that he is walking on the right path, that nothing will ever hinder his progress, and this is enough for him – even if he takes some wrong steps on this path, which is inevitable. Because to decide to walk on the right path does not mean we are able to continue without stumbling. At the slightest mistake, at the slightest stumble, many lament: ‘Oh! I will never succeed, I am stupid, incapable, weak and despicable.’ These are the reactions of misplaced dignity, wounded pride. So, even if you make mistakes, even if you go down, do not stop; get up again and go forward, despite your weaknesses, your falls, your failures and mistakes."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Living Book of Nature (purple cover)




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