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Dislikes : overcome them in the name of the ideal of brotherhood
"It is important to understand that neither likes nor dislikes are useful as criteria. This being the case, you must work to overcome your dislikes and stop blindly following your likes. Never forget that in the Universal White Brotherhood our ideal is to form one universal family living in peace and harmony, and that you must set the example. Even if you dislike someone, you must make the effort to be open and understanding, simply because you follow this teaching. By making this effort, you yourself will benefit, because you will succeed in conquering your lower nature which is always trying to drag you into confusion, misunderstanding and conflict. When you achieve this success, you enter a world of harmony and light, and soon you notice that everything is different. All those whom you once eyed with coldness and even hostility sense that you have changed, and they too become more open with you."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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