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Divine Mercy : its manifestations
"So many believers imagine that to please God, they need only keep his name constantly on their lips and conduct ceremonies in which they offer prayers to him and sing his praises! After that, it doesn’t matter if they behave badly, because God is a lenient and merciful Father who will easily forgive them all their faults. But tell me, are there many parents who would agree to such a situation? What parents would allow their children to behave however they like, providing the children praise them as the greatest, the wisest and the strongest? God is lenient and merciful, but only in the sense that he does not demand that we triumph over ourselves without fail. What he does require is that we have a clear idea of the direction we must take, and that we make efforts to walk the right path and to correct our mistakes when we make them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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