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Divine glory : enter into Divine glory
"Most people are too obsessed by the glories of earth to understand how the glory of God manifests. In the painting and sculpture of sacred art, Christ and the triangle of the Holy Trinity are always shown surrounded by rays of light, and it is these rays of light that we call ‘the glory’. Glory, therefore, is the luminous, dazzling manifestation of divine life. God is not a vain and tyrannical monarch who demands that we celebrate His greatness and power. He has no need for us to sing His praises, for nothing we might say of Him could add anything to Him. Rather it is we who need to glorify Him, so that we may enter into His light. But what does it mean, to glorify God? It does not mean to repeat that He is powerful and wise. It is in our efforts to purify our thoughts, our feelings, our desires and our actions that we glorify God. In doing so we will enter into the light of divine glory and, wherever this light falls, we too will be present."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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