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Divinity : we cannot see it in others unless we bring it life in ourselves
"What good is it to preach neighbourly love if no one explains what it is we are to love in others? When we see how so many people conduct themselves in everyday life, we cannot love them; it is useless even to try. Here is someone who is egotistical, mean and obnoxious, and you are told you have to love him. It is impossible! Not only is it impossible for you to love this monster, but in trying to do so you will detest him all the more. To succeed in loving him, you must learn to project yourself beyond appearances. You must concentrate on the divine spark which lives within him and which one day will be able to manifest itself. But we can only see the Divinity in others insofar as we have brought it to life within ourselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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