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Doing good : learn to yield fruit
"The human being is like a tree: his mission on earth is to bear fruit. And what are these fruits? They are thoughts, feelings and sentiments which are beautiful, noble and great. To do good is to be capable of bearing good fruit, and this requires surveying one’s inner state when encountering others. If you visit your parents or friends without considering how your gestures, your regard or your words affect them, you make them ill: you give them indigestion, or a case of poisoning. To conduct yourself in this way shows you have not yet understood the science of the good, and you mustn’t be surprised if your life is lonely and sad. Why have you not learned to bear fruit? When we do good, we are never alone. Well then, bear fruit in the form of good works – in the form of a sacrifice, a thought, a look or a smile."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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