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Earth : exercise to do with it
"Have you reflected on mother earth’s ability to transform all she receives in the form of waste, and even cadavers, from the vegetable, animal and human kingdoms? She takes the most repulsive filth, the sight of which you cannot bear, and transforms it. In return she gives us magnificent trees and flowers, grains, vegetables and succulent fruits. What wonderful alchemical laboratories she has at her disposal! So why not go to the earth and ask her to help you carry out this work of transformation on yourself? Sit on the ground and make a small hole in the earth; put a finger in it and say: ‘O earth mother, you who have given me my body and who nourish me every day, I thank you. But I have one more request to make to you: since you have the power to transform the vilest materials, please take all my impurities, all my defects and work on them. Give them back to me as matter that is as transparent as crystal.’ Then offer her thanks."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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