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Education : germination of the seeds planted in each of us by the Creator
"Everywhere we see people eager to educate others, to lecture them and put them on the right path. Even children want to educate their dolls and their dogs! But in reality, no one can educate anyone else. Speeches, explanations and orders are useless. You say: ‘But what does a spiritual teacher do?’ A spiritual teacher does not try to change human beings, because he respects their predestination. But by means of his knowledge, virtues and conduct, he stimulates them, vivifies them and waters the good seeds in them – in other words, the gifts and virtues buried within them. These seeds then begin to grow, to develop and flourish. We ourselves must first acquire these qualities we wish to develop in others, and this is why the job of a teacher is the most difficult of all. Only the initiates, who have already done an immense work on themselves, succeed in reawakening in human beings the best seeds planted in them by the Creator."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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