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Efforts : alone can take us closer to God
"Because God is great, He neither concerns Himself with the mistakes and malice of human beings, nor does He vary according to their attitudes. Therefore, if you feel anxious and rejected because you have behaved badly, do not claim that God has withdrawn, or that He has rejected you. Instead, make an effort to rectify your mistakes and you will once again feel close to Him. Above all, do not wait for God to forgive you: He has not condemned you, so He has nothing to forgive you for. No purpose is served by beating your breast and saying: ‘I am a sinner. I am a sinner.’ Since you had the power to create the clouds that deprive you of God’s light, you also have the power to disperse them. Everything depends on you, on your attitude. What good do all the advancements in psychology serve if human beings do not understand these vitally important phenomena that take place within them?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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