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Emanations : their maleficent or beneficent effects
"Today, pollution has become a subject of great concern. The earth, water and air are polluted, which poses a threat to flora and fauna and to humanity as well. But why do people fail to see that pollution also occurs on planes other than the physical? If laboratories were equipped with highly perfected instruments, we could verify that human beings themselves, by means of their thoughts, sentiments and desires, produce certain fluidic emanations which are veritable asphyxiating gases. But we can also make the opposite observation: that the emanations of a spiritual being are beneficial to all creatures, even to stones, plants and animals. Because such a being is pure, disinterested and full of love, his presence acts favourably on those around him, just as the presence of a criminal has a negative impact. Even spirits who have left the earth come close to him in order to nourish themselves with his emanations. And it is thanks to these evolved beings that the atmosphere of the earth has not yet become completely unbearable."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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