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Enemies : are often more useful than our friends
"It is a tradition to raise monuments and statues to the men and women who have contributed wonderful things to a society, to a culture or even to humanity as a whole. It is right to do so, of course, and I am not suggesting that we should not honour them. Nevertheless, I believe it is to our enemies that we should erect the most beautiful monuments and statues. Of course! They are our true benefactors, thanks to whom we are forced to become more vigilant, more intelligent and more patient. Do you think I’m joking? Well, think what you like, but all the same, try to reflect a little on this idea: our friends often put us to sleep, whereas our enemies upset and stimulate us. You will say: ‘But they make our life impossible!’ In fact, if you possess a high ideal and the sincere desire to advance, you will receive all the knowledge and strength necessary to make use of every obstacle your enemies put on your path. These obstacles are like rungs of a ladder which allow you to climb higher and higher."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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