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Enemies : conquer them by light
"Moses came to teach men justice. Jesus then came to teach them love and forgiveness. He said: ‘If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.’ To turn the other cheek so it may be struck and then to forgive – this represents great progress in relation to the law of retaliation, ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, but there is progress yet to be made. If someone tries to attack you, you are not forbidden to show you are stronger than he. How can you do this? You lift him off the ground, saying: ‘Do you want me to throw you to the ground?’ In this way, you show him your strength, but you do not throw him, you gently put him down. He then begins to respect you. Isn’t this better? You must be stronger than your enemies. If you immobilize them with a gesture, a look or a phrase full of light, they will beat a retreat. When you are unable to win on the physical plane, at least try to win on the mental plane. This is much better than allowing yourself to be massacred by those who are dishonest, unjust and malicious."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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