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Essential truths : it is never too late to know them
"With the approach of old age, men and women often discover truths in a philosophy or spiritual teaching that would have greatly helped them in conducting their lives, and they tell themselves that their lives have been wasted. No, they must not say this. Of course, it is better to see the light early on and to orient oneself in life, but nothing is lost. Even for someone who does not have long to live, it is not too late to learn the essential truths and to go deeply into them in order to leave the earth with a more enlightened consciousness. Here lies the greatest difference between the physical life and the spiritual life. If you have never learned to play an instrument, to pilot a helicopter, or even to sew and knit, you are not likely to begin when you are eighty-four. But it is never too late to understand the laws that govern the world of the soul and the spirit. Every effort you make in this direction will not only facilitate your entry into the light of the other world, but will allow you to prepare your next incarnation."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers
Izvor Collection
The Laughter of a Sage
Izvor Collection
Cosmic Creation - Union of the Masculine and Feminine




Latest Product/s

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A book in the Pocket Collection $12.95

 A CD with 6 best chapters and mystical songs (70')
read by Joe Moscolo!

Both : book and CD in a special box. Nice!
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