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‘Eternal life is to know You, the only true God.’ : Commentaries
"It is said in the Gospels: ‘And this is life eternal, that they may know You, the only true God.’ And how is it that we can ‘know God’? By fusing with Him. But fusion can take place only between objects or beings of the same nature, the same essence. For example, take a small amount of mercury, scatter it into droplets, then bring these droplets together, and once again they form only one drop. Now suppose that before gathering the droplets together, you allow a little dust to fall on some of them: however you try to reunite them, you will not succeed. Well, this is what happens to those who want to fuse with God but have not first purified themselves. As long as they remain impure, sombre and mean-spirited, they cannot unite with the Creator, who is beauty, light and love. All their impurities form a barrier which prevents this union. In order to rid themselves of these impurities, they must make certain sacrifices: they must learn to master themselves, to control themselves, and only then can they attune themselves to divine vibrations and taste eternal life." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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