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Evolution : criteria of Evolution; capacity of entering into relationship with others
"How to get along with others is the most important problem that human beings have to solve every day. Work on yourself, therefore, in order to develop the psychic and moral qualities which will allow you to better understand and accept others. For this is essential; to learn to live with others, and not only with your family, your friends, your neighbours, your colleagues, and so on. You must also relate to all sorts of people who differ from you in age, education, social class, nationality and race, in order to become accustomed very early on to all human situations. Because if you are not ready and are required one day to face these situations you will appear closed, unsympathetic and sometimes, unintentionally, even mean. Yes, the measure of a person’s evolution is their capacity to meet and enter into harmonious relationship with others. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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