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Evolution : facilitated thanks to methods of a spiritual teaching
"Since you have decided to follow a spiritual teaching, do not be negligent; accept the advice and methods that your Master gives you and strive to apply them. The disciple who does not take seriously the lessons his Master gives him blocks his own path of evolution. It is not the Master who will then impose sanctions, of course, but life itself, since there are barriers in the spiritual world which can be surmounted only under certain conditions. The disciple asks that the laws and the wonders of the higher regions be revealed to him, along with the luminous beings who inhabit them, and their functions. This is all well and good, but how can the inhabitants of these regions manifest through him if he is not worthy of them? In order to be worthy, you must at least start to recognize your imperfections and practise the exercises necessary to correct them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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