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Evolution : take superior beings as models
"Human beings are so different in the ways they express and conduct themselves! Some are forever motivated to go further and to achieve great things, whereas others are exclusively occupied with trivialities and pettiness. We ask ourselves: ‘But what is the reason for this difference? Where does it come from?’ The answer is very simple. Those in the first example look upward; they compare themselves with all those who have surpassed them, and they take them as models. Whereas the others are satisfied with points of comparison so inferior that they always find themselves quite acceptable and they fail to progress. In order to evolve, we must find a model, an example, and never stop comparing ourselves to it. This model is to be found in the life and teaching of all the purest, wisest and most noble beings who have lived on earth and who live there today."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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