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Existence of God : does not prove itself by arguments
"Any attempt to prove the existence of God through argument is a fruitless undertaking. By means of reasoning, we can argue certain points to prove His existence but, by using the same methods, we can also prove His non-existence! The more we try to prove the existence of God, the more we risk introducing doubt in others. If people are not ready to accept what you tell them, it is no good. They must open their own minds; it is not you who can do it for them. You will say: ‘Oh, but if someone were to perform miracles before all these non-believers, they would have to believe all the great truths that religion and the sacred books teach us.’ Do you really think so? At the most, they would be impressed for a few moments, as if though they were in the presence of a conjuring trick, and then they would forget. Attempts to prove the existence of God are a waste of time. There is really only one thing to do: lead human beings to that level of consciousness where the question of God’s existence is no longer even asked."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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