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Face : rediscover our true Face by returning to the divine Source
"It is said in the Book of Zohar that the face of the first man was identical to that of the Creator. Later on, when the spirit of rebellion had awakened in him (a process symbolized by the serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), he left Paradise. He descended into the denser regions of matter where he learned about cold, darkness, sickness and death, and his face changed. Now that he is no longer the faithful image of God, he has lost his power. The spirits of nature no longer obey him and instead take pleasure in tormenting him. But he must strive to find this primordial face again and, when he does, all the spirits of the universe will submit to him once more. Until then he will continue to resemble the prodigal son of the Gospel parable who, having left his father’s house to travel the world, ends wretchedly as a swineherd. But this prodigal son finally concludes that he should return to his Father’s house. And one day you too will finally understand that you must return to the Source – to the light, love and life of the heavenly Father – in order to recover your true face."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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