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Faith : find the most suitable ways to express it
"By creating the conditions in which spirit can manifest itself, faith gives us the keys to realisation. We must believe in order to prepare the terrain, but in order for this faith to produce beneficial results, we must find the most appropriate means of manifesting it. Those who believe and at the same time act contrary to the laws of faith – which are the laws of the causal plane – destroy their inner power: with their faith they build, and with their actions they destroy. They can imagine all they want that their faith will save them, but it is not true. This would be too easy. Anyone can claim to believe in God because it is convenient and reassuring and then continue to live like a veritable scoundrel. So many criminals supposedly believe in God, but what this faith consists of is another matter! In any case, as long as they fail to improve their conduct, their faith will not help them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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