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Faith : is nourished by our consciousness of the riches God placed in creation
"To have faith means to carry out experiments every day which allow us to feel the reality of the divine world. For faith, too, must be nourished. It is nourished progressively as we become conscious of the riches God has deposited in everything around us: the earth, water, air and light, and as we strive to work with them. What good is it to recite that we ‘believe in God, creator of heaven and earth’ if we fail to use this heaven and this earth to help reinforce our faith in him? We are unconscious, negligent and superficial, we sever our ties with the source of life, and then we say: ‘Nothing has meaning, there is no God.’ In fact, if you simply learned to eat and breathe consciously, this meaning would reveal itself to you, and you would feel the divine presence. When you have carried out certain experiments, you will be compelled to feel within you and around you the presence of this divine Being, the Creator of the universe. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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