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Family : accept the one we were given
"At one time or another in their lives, most people have a tendency to rebel against their parents, their family circle. At the first opportunity, they cut their ties with them, thinking they will find something better elsewhere. We need not agree with our family of origin, nor is it forbidden to leave them, but all of us on earth must know that if destiny decides we are to be incarnated in this family rather than another, there is a reason. There are things for us to learn, to understand; there are certain things we must experience in order to evolve. There is justice in the universe, an absolute Intelligence which determines the precise conditions in which human beings, according to their merits, are to incarnate – in which era, which country and which family. It is pointless to complain, because it will change nothing. We must accept this situation and work to deserve better life conditions in our next incarnation."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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