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Fanaticism : the product of faith without love
"Faith without love gives rise to fanaticism, and this is the worst that can happen to human beings, because they become monsters. All they ever talk about is God, and they are ready to annihilate the entire world in his name. But when they become the victims of disasters—epidemics, floods, earthquakes or famines—who comes to their rescue? Most often it is the non-believers! The believers are busy muttering prayers to the Lord, asking him to come to the aid of the victims. Even worse, some people interpret these misfortunes as punishments from heaven and are delighted that God’s anger has befallen the infidels. Yes, one has to wonder about this ferment of insensitivity we sometimes find in faith. It is often the faithful themselves who discourage others from believing."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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