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Fear : conquer it by having faith in good
"If a person has no faith in good, he risks losing whatever qualities or faculties he possesses. Why? Because the foundations which give stability to these qualities are missing and, as a result, all kinds of consequences automatically take place in his thought processes and his way of seeing things. He endlessly views people and situations with suspicion, and he is afraid. Fear, of course, is a very bad counsellor. How many people in the grip of fear are guilty of cowardice, injustice and spitefulness! Despite all their good qualities, they allow themselves to be invaded by this irrational and uncontrollable instinct. And when the fear has passed, they are often ashamed of what they have done, but by then it is too late. In order to conquer fear, we must believe steadfastly in the power of good, which is to say, in the pre-eminence of the spirit in humankind."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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