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Fire of the spirit : give it our dead branches to burn
"The wood we use to make a fire is said to be dead: branches that are lifeless, black, twisted and devoid of all beauty. But once they are on fire, how bright and splendid they are! These branches which otherwise would have remained abandoned and useless somewhere are transformed by the fire into light, heat and energy. You may say: ‘Yes, of course, we’ve seen this. But how do these dead branches concern us?’ They concern you because symbolically they exist in you as well. Within yourself, you too have accumulated piles of dead wood which are just waiting to be burned. All egotistical and passionate tendencies, all manifestations of the lower nature are like dead wood. Burn them in the fire of the spirit, in the fire of divine love, and they too will produce light, heat and life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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