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Flowers : have a voice we can hear
"We see roses everywhere, and we give them as gifts, but what is their true significance? Once they have been placed in a vase, they are forgotten. If you look at a rose with an enlightened consciousness, however, it becomes more alive and enters into a relationship with you. You sense that a splendid being lives in this flower and that it speaks to you. Some will say: ‘But that is not possible, we read this kind of thing in fairy tales. We will never be able to hear a flower speak.’ There are different ways of hearing the voice of a flower! And if what I am telling you seems to have come from a fairy tale, know that these tales are not merely beautiful stories invented for children by people of great imagination. They correspond to a profound reality which you will finally grasp when you open yourself to exchanges with all of nature."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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