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Food : each creature assimilates it according to his own structure
"It is the Creator who gives us the food we eat every day, and it is impregnated with His life. But how is it that when an evil person eats this divine food, it does not improve him? Because he transforms this food into his own nature, whereas a saint or an initiate who eats the same food transforms it into light, love and kindness. Everything depends on the state of the person who eats it. The wicked are not improved by the food they absorb; they become even more wicked. And those who are good become better. It is a law: every creature assimilates food into his own substance and transforms it. That is why initiates offer themselves in sacrifice to the Creator, so that they may be absorbed by Him. They know that in being absorbed by Him, the Lord will transmit a few rays of His light to them and will transform them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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