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Four elements : be in relationship with them
"Nature is alive, and you can speak to it. Stones, plants, rivers, mountains and stars do not understand our human languages, but this does not matter. In whatever language it is, the words we speak with conviction and love produce vibrations, colours and waves which influence matter, and matter responds, as if it had understood. When I speak to the earth, to water, to the air or to fire, I am not so naïve as to believe they understand the words I am saying. No, but these words produce specific effects according to the thoughts, feelings and force I put into them. When I address water, I know that my words are only a support for the pure energies that will enter into contact with it. And, in making contact, these energies will create a kind of opening, through which it will respond to me."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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