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God : allows us to find the means within ourselves to discover Him
"The goal of life is, quite simply, to live; and we can live only by becoming conscious of our ties with all the creatures who inhabit the universe: not only with the spirits of nature, but with the angels, the archangels, and all the divinities up to God Himself who has placed His life in every being and in every thing. All that is within us and around us speaks ceaselessly of the presence of God. But what is extraordinary is that this is not enough for human beings; they want Him to come and show Himself in person. But for many, even this would not be sufficient. They would still manage to see nothing, hear nothing, and feel nothing. The Creator would have to come and manifest Himself to them with thunder and lightning to pierce their armour. But He does not do this. He leaves human beings to discover Him within themselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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