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God : is above good and evil; but by thinking of good we link to Him
"We naturally tend to identify God with good. But in reality, good is not God Himself; it is a manifestation of God, but it is not God. God is above good and evil, and we cannot really know who He is. But since good represents for us the highest manifestation of God, thinking of good links us to Him: our consciousness leaves the region of darkness where we meet suffering, anxiety and terror and goes to rejoin the centre, the creative Principle. Since God has created everything, He knows the properties of all elements, of all forces, and of every creature in the universe, and He will give us the means to remedy our shortcomings. The universe is vast, immense, infinite, and we cannot know everything. But the Creator is all-knowing and all-powerful, and it is thus to Him that we must turn for help, for He is above good and evil."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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