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God and Mammon : we cannot serve both at the same time
"You are the heirs to heaven and earth but, in order to receive this inheritance, you must turn towards God, your heavenly Father. And turning towards the heavenly Father implies that you close yourselves to dark entities and currents. Those who are open to every current, who imagine that we can be on the side of God and at the same time on the side of the prince of this world, risk losing everything. Unfortunately, even among believers there are many who are very accommodating: they wish to serve God well, but at the same time they maintain their links with the prince of this world, who distributes all material goods, all pleasures, all money and glory. Even if they are unconscious of it, how many Christians have forgotten the words of Jesus: ‘No one can serve two masters… You cannot serve God and Mammon’."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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